For many people, including me, the day begins with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Although I haven’t noticed any negative effects of the drink on myself, I have repeatedly encountered articles about the harmful effects of coffee drinking on an empty stomach in particular. Just the other day I came across this post on social media again and decided to find out if this morning ritual is so dangerous for many people.

It turns out that the stomach can withstand various irritants and coffee is no exception. After all, the walls of the stomach are protected by a thick layer of mucus that wraps around the mucous membrane, creating a barrier between the food and the membrane. Moreover, this layer of mucus serves as a powerful shield against the naturally acidic environment of the stomach, which does a good job of breaking down food. Consumption of a very harsh substance can break the protective barrier of the stomach.

Effects of coffee on the intestines

Irritants such as alcohol, cigarette smoke, and anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) are known to affect the stomach’s defenses, damaging the mucous membrane. However, coffee is not one of these irritants. This drink does not provoke stomach or intestinal ulcers, even if you consume three or more cups a day.

However, it is worth noting that coffee can speed up the colon and increase the production of acid in the stomach.

Coffee and hyperacidity

Coffee contributes to the production of stomach acid, but if you drink it on an empty stomach or prefer to add milk or cream to your drink, it may help neutralize excessive acidity.

Caffeine is also known to increase heart rate and blood pressure. You should therefore avoid drinking coffee before you rest, so as not to disturb your sleep.

For or against?

Above all, it is worth paying attention to how you feel after consuming coffee, as everything is very individual. For example, a burning sensation in the chest or a sour taste in the mouth after drinking coffee may be a sign of acid reflux.

But on the whole, drinking coffee has many advantages, such as increased longevity, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, and more.

There are many reasons to enjoy this drink, and if there are no contraindications, why not.