Many of us face the problem of getting up in the morning to start the day with physical exercise. Waking up early for a workout is not easy, but mornings are the time of day when you have complete control over it and no one else claims it. It’s unlikely that anyone will need you at 6 a.m.

To leave the bed in the morning without suffering and go for a run, swim, or strength training, it’s important to stick to the tips that can help.

Rearrange your body

Our body functions in a 24-hour cycle which determines sleep and wake-up, body temperature, hunger, hormone levels, and more. So the challenge of getting up early for morning exercise involves not only shifting your sleep time but also your circadian rhythms in general.

If your body is used to getting up at 8 a.m., enough of the stress hormone cortisol is produced by this time to get you out of bed quickly. However, waking up suddenly earlier, at 6 a.m. for example is accompanied by low cortisol levels and a consequent feeling of lack of sleep. Therefore, it is advisable to gradually go to bed earlier, for example by 15 minutes each day, until you can quickly wake up at the right time.

More light

Bright light signals your body to stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin. In summer, use the sun as a light source, but in winter, use artificial light. It is worth considering that soft lighting in your bedroom is unlikely to help. For instance, use a light therapy lamp or other bright artificial light.

Plan your day

It is important to understand how exercise will fit in with your other morning tasks, such as sending the kids to school, arriving at work or school, and similar tasks. Try not to be distracted by other factors after waking up (checking email or social media), otherwise, they can slow you down. Also, prepare your gym clothes in the evening to save time in the morning.

Having a schedule, it’s important to consider circumstances that might get in the way, such as a sudden cold snap, which means it’s worth picking appropriate clothes.

Do workout a regular thing

Doing exercise regularly will eventually lead to just doing it without any hesitation or bargaining with yourself. The main thing is to be patient and not give up, even if it takes a long time to develop a habit. And if at some point you miss a workout or shorten it, don’t beat yourself up about it, but start the next one with enthusiasm and a good mood so that you don’t lose your motivation.

Create a pleasant atmosphere to accompany you while you exercise: listen to your favorite music, book, or podcast.

It is also very important to get enough sleep at the weekend, otherwise, you will have a hard time getting out of bed on Monday morning.

Eventually, discipline and self-control will lead to you just getting up and heading off to your next workout without even thinking about it.